Healthy salad -Newsletter 13. pixy.org CCjpg.jpg

A new survey found that “a staggering 6.5 million people in the U.K. have plans to go either vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian and ditch meat altogether in 2021.”

While animal cruelty is a major concern, the driving factor in this shift — which, in addition to the Britons who have already gone meatless, can result in 26% of the British population no longer meat-eaters — is a public outcry to ban virulent factory farms because they are breeding grounds for viral and bacterial mutation — and zoonotic pandemics.

As I wrote in The Great Healing, factory farms and wet markets have been, and will continue to be, petri dishes for new viral pandemics.

In a separate article, another statistic is even more striking: "85% of Brits Want 'Urgent Ban' on Factory Farming to Prevent Future Pandemics."

A third article announced that 83% of Scots want factory farming banned as well.

Can the Biden administration authorize a public relations campaign raising American’s awareness of the omnipresent viral risk of pestilent factory farms stateside? We should not tolerate remaining at risk of another, perhaps even more lethal, pandemic in our future.

Read more about 6.5 million Britons in the article here.
Read about the 85%ers in this article here.
Read about what the Scots are up to here.

Photo credit: pixy.org CC