LAST Friday's #ClimateStrike Sends A Powerful Message

The numbers of people who marched worldwide Friday did not exceed the 7+Million who marched on Sept. 20th and 27th — that will happen next year. The impact of the Friday actions, timed to coincide with the global Climate Conference, the COP25 in Madrid, was powerful.

In Los Angeles, Climate Strikers massed at City Hall for a rally and then a march through downtown. Here are two of my L.A. photos, then global highlights as well:

At L.A. City Hall steps.jpg
#ClimateStrike L.A..jpg
Over 500,000 march in Madrid. Greta Thunberg speaks outside COP25 to a sea of people extending to the horizon.

Over 500,000 march in Madrid. Greta Thunberg speaks outside COP25 to a sea of people extending to the horizon.

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Climate Strike Boston.png
More than just a strike in Denmark: The Danish government announces a binding commitment to a 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030!

More than just a strike in Denmark: The Danish government announces a binding commitment to a 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030!

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Climate Strike Bernie.png
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Climate Strike DC2.png