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Data in the Climate Reality Check 2020 report from the National Centre for Climate Restoration reveals that an increase in global warming of 1.5°C is now expected by 2030. The Paris Agreement of 2015 called for countries to take the immediate action necessary to limit this increase until year 2100… Oops… Over the next 25 years Earth will be warming at .25 - .35°C per decade.

A separate report from Climate Transparency confirms that the G20 countries including the U.S. will miss the 1.5°C Paris target by a wide margin. The report projects a 2.7°C increase by century’s end if we remain on the course we are on.

The time to transition away from fossil fuels is right now. “G20 governments risk inverting any progress made so far if the [COVID] recovery continues to be mostly fossil-orientated,” said Angela Picciariello, senior research officer at the Overseas Development Institute.

A 2.7°C increase is 4.86°F. A global temperature increase of nearly 5° as revealed in The Great Healing “is a mass extinction level event. Our civilization will break down as our environment does and the end of our Anthropocene Epoch will soon follow.”

Raising our voices is the most important action we can take right now: rallying the new administration to take even more robust climate action, as well as making sure our friends, family, and everyone we come in contact with is aware of exactly how dire our climate emergency is. That’s now even more important than the lifestyle choices we make.

View the Climate Reality Check 2020 report here.
View the G20 Euractiv article here.

Photo credit: NASA Rawpixel 418645 CC