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In a recent report, the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that “over 93% of endangered species and 96% of their habitats are likely to be harmed by glyphosate poison."

Sam Bloch continues in The Counter, “In its report, EPA found that glyphosate, which affects non-farm environments predominantly through field runoff and spray drift, is ‘moderately to highly toxic to fish, highly to very highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates, moderately toxic to mammals, and slightly toxic to birds on an acute exposure basis.’ Chronic exposure causes ‘a variety of growth and reproductive effects’ to land and aquatic animals as well as plants.

“Overall, it’s ‘likely to adversely impact’ 75 endangered species of mammals, 88 endangered bird species, 36 endangered amphibian species, 33 endangered reptile species, 179 endangered fish species, 185 endangered aquatic invertebrates, 140 endangered terrestrial invertebrates, and 940 endangered plant species.”

Read The Great Healing to learn just how widespread Roundup is throughout our GMO-crop dominated agriculture system, and how prevalent its poison, glyphosate, is in the food and beverages Americans consume.

Last June, Bayer, the corporate multinational manufacturer of Roundup, allocated $10.5 billion to settle over 95,000 lawsuit claims from Americans who proved they contracted cancer — primarily Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — from exposure to glyphosate.

Yet this poison remains a staple of industrial agriculture in America. Its use is actually increasing.

Fortunately for citizens of numerous other countries, glyphosate is banned there. And the number is growing. Navdanya International reported in January that Mexico, Peru and Tanzania have now banned glyphosate.

In February the German cabinet approved legislation to ban glyphosate in Germany from 2024 onwards.

How many hundreds of thousands more Americans will die from a hideous aggressive cancer caused by exposure to glyphosate before our government takes action on this?

Read Sam Bloch’s article here.
Read the EPA’s report here.

Read why GMOs have just been rejected on 3 continents here.
Read about last months’ resolution by the German cabinet to ban glyphosate here.

Photo credit: Shutterstock 752747815