My wife and I just shifted our home mortgage away from JP Morgan Chase Bank. While a mortgage is an essential tool in home ownership, the interest payments are significant and we no longer wanted Chase to profit from ours. Chase is a leading financier of global fossil fuel and other dirty-energy industry projects. Chase, as a significant contributor to our Climate Emergency, is increasingly jeopardizing humanity’s chances for survival on Earth. We could no longer in good conscience have Chase handling and profiting from our mortgage.
Realize your alternatives. Shift your bank assets away from Chase, Wells Fargo, BofA and other national banks. Community Development Banks focus on building communities by investing in community projects. Credit unions can be a rewarding and worthy option. Public Banks worldwide are unparalleled in this regard. In California just last year it became legally possible to open and operate a Public Bank. The U.S. currently has just one Public Bank. It is a shining success story with a fascinating history: the Bank of North Dakota.
Fine tune your investment portfolio as well. Eco-friendly mutual funds are performing very well.
Compassion For Community is the 4th of the 5 compassions in The Great Healing book. It is essential — no less so than any of the others. This is the path to The Great Healing.