Victory! Endangered Whales Protected From Seismic Blasts.

North American right whale with calf -

North American right whale with calf -

Earth Justice has just prevailed in a two year court battle stopping fossil fuel companies from blasting seismic air guns in 200,000 square miles of crucial underwater habitat for one of the world’s most endangered large whale species!

Earth Justice notes that “These air guns produce a noise louder than a rocket launch — and 16,000 times louder than a standard air horn — at 10-second intervals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for months on end.”

The lawsuit was filed in December 2018, two days after seismic testing permits were issued by the Trump administration. Earth Justice has filed over 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration over the past 3 years to protect environmental and health protections.

50 lawsuits have been decided with Earth Justice prevailing 41 times!

Support Earth Justice “because the Earth needs a good lawyer.”

Read the right whale story here.