c25. Lone Mink Mink_Sweden_JMcArthur_2009-1547.jpg

In Denmark, a mutation of the Coronavirus has recently appeared.

Originating in factory-farmed mink populations, it has now infected farm workers. Taking action commensurate with the danger this presents, the government of Denmark has deployed its army to kill 17,000,000 minks on 1,000 factory farms.

COVID-19, up until now, the most recent Coronavirus, also originated amidst concentrated suffering animals.

Factory farms are petri dishes for viral and bacteria mutations. They are so virulent that nearly 80% of the antibiotics administered annually in the U.S. are fed to factory farmed animals to keep them alive and disease-free.

H1N1 Swine Flu (1998-2010), SARS (2002-3), MERS (2012), HIV AIDS (1998-present), and Ebola (2014) are all zoonotic diseases – passed from animals to humans. 75% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. H1N1 Swine Flu originated on a factory farm and has infected 60 million people, killing 500,000.

This new Coronavirus mutation has recently arrived stateside. An outbreak in Wisconsin killed 3,000 minks. Animal groups are urging the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop an emergency plan to stop the spread.

Read the update here.