The pristine 16.7 million acre Tongass National Forest is the world’s largest intact temperate forest. Take this exquisite rafting journey with Christopher Miller whose photos immerse you, putting you right there with him.

Christopher notes, “The Trump administration, with the encouragement of successive Alaska governors and congressional delegations, finalized plans to open about 9,000,000 acres of the Tongass National Forest to logging and road construction — by exempting the area from protections provided by a Clinton-era policy known as the roadless rule, which banned logging and road construction in much of the national forest system… The removal of the rule — which drew overwhelmingly negative reactions when it was opened for public comment — could irreparably change the Honker Divide watershed and endanger the oldest living things in the forest.”

Two weeks ago this forest was opened to logging. The incoming Biden administration, hearing enough of your voices, can act quickly to stop this.

Experience this photo-essay here.